PSJA ISD School Board Meeting: Updates and Decisions

PSJA ISD School Board Meeting: Updates and Decisions

If you’re a parent or student in the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District (PSJA ISD), you may be interested in attending a school board meeting. These meetings are held regularly and serve as an opportunity for the board to discuss important issues related to the district’s educational programs and initiatives. Additionally, they offer a chance for parents and community members to stay informed and provide feedback.

The PSJA ISD School Board is responsible for overseeing the district’s educational programs and ensuring that they are aligned with the needs of the students and community. The board is made up of seven members who are elected by the community and serve staggered four-year terms. During school board meetings, members discuss and vote on a variety of issues, including budget and finance, curriculum and instruction, and personnel matters.

Attending a PSJA ISD School Board meeting can be a great way to learn more about the district’s educational programs and initiatives. Whether you’re a parent, student, or community member, these meetings offer a chance to stay informed and provide feedback. If you’re interested in attending a meeting, you can find information about the schedule and agendas on the district’s website.

Key Takeaways

  • PSJA ISD School Board meetings are held regularly and offer an opportunity for the board to discuss important issues related to the district’s educational programs and initiatives.
  • The PSJA ISD School Board is responsible for overseeing the district’s educational programs and ensuring that they are aligned with the needs of the students and community.
  • Attending a PSJA ISD School Board meeting can be a great way to learn more about the district’s educational programs and initiatives and provide feedback.

Overview of PSJA ISD School Board

The Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District (PSJA ISD) School Board is responsible for governing the district and making decisions regarding its policies, budget, and operations. In this section, you will learn about the role and responsibilities of the board and the composition of its trustees.

Role and Responsibilities

The PSJA ISD School Board has the following responsibilities:

  • Setting policies that guide the district’s operations and ensure compliance with state and federal laws.
  • Approving the district’s budget and ensuring that funds are allocated appropriately.
  • Hiring and evaluating the superintendent, who serves as the district’s chief executive officer.
  • Providing oversight and support to the superintendent and district staff.
  • Making decisions on matters such as curriculum, facilities, and personnel.

Composition and Trustees

The PSJA ISD School Board is composed of seven trustees who are elected by the public to serve staggered four-year terms. The board members represent different areas of the district and are responsible for ensuring that the needs of their constituents are met.

The current members of the PSJA ISD School Board are:

  • Jesse Zambrano, President
  • Victor Perez, Vice President
  • Carlos G. Villegas Jr., Secretary
  • Jesse Vela Jr., Assistant Secretary
  • Jorge Zambrano, Trustee
  • Yolanda Castillo, Trustee
  • Diana Serna, Trustee

Each trustee brings unique skills and perspectives to the board, and they work collaboratively to make decisions that benefit the district as a whole.

Meeting Schedule and Agendas

The PSJA ISD School Board holds both regular and special called meetings. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the PSJA High School Lecture Hall. Special called meetings may be held as needed and are posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

Regular School Board Meetings

The regular school board meetings for the remainder of the year are as follows:

  • September 11, 2023
  • September 25, 2023
  • October 9, 2023
  • October 30, 2023
  • November 13, 2023
  • November 16, 2023
  • December 11, 2023

The agenda for each regular meeting is posted on the PSJA ISD website at least 72 hours before the meeting. The agenda includes a call to order, recognition of visitors, public comments, consent agenda items, and action items.

Special Called School Board Meetings

Special called school board meetings may be held as needed and are posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. The agenda for each special called meeting is posted on the PSJA ISD website at least 72 hours before the meeting.

The Texas Open Meetings Act requires that all meetings of a governmental body be open to the public. Exceptions to this requirement are limited and must be specifically authorized by the Act. The Act also requires that notice of the time, place, and subject matter of each meeting be posted in a prominent location at the principal office of the governmental body and on the governmental body’s website.

In summary, the PSJA ISD School Board holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, with special called meetings held as needed. The agenda for each meeting is posted on the PSJA ISD website at least 72 hours before the meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

PSJA ISD Educational Programs

PSJA ISD offers a variety of educational programs to meet the diverse needs of its students. Two of the most notable programs are the PSJA Early College High School and the PSJA Southwest Early College High School.

PSJA Early College High School

The PSJA Early College High School is designed to provide students with the opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school. This program is open to students who are at least 14 years of age and have completed the eighth grade. Students in this program take college-level courses and have the opportunity to earn an associate’s degree or up to 60 college credits by the time they graduate from high school.

PSJA Southwest Early College High School

The PSJA Southwest Early College High School is another program that allows students to earn college credits while still in high school. This program is open to students in grades nine through 12. Students in this program take college-level courses and have the opportunity to earn up to 30 college credits by the time they graduate from high school.

PSJA ISD is committed to providing its students with a quality education that prepares them for success in college and beyond. These educational programs are just a few examples of the many ways in which PSJA ISD is working to help its students achieve their goals.

Whether you are a student looking for a challenging and rewarding educational experience or a parent looking for a school district that is committed to providing its students with the best possible education, PSJA ISD is the right choice for you. With a wide range of programs and services designed to meet the unique needs of each student, PSJA ISD is the perfect place to start your educational journey.

Public Participation and Resources

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the PSJA ISD School Board Meeting, you can contact the administration at (956) 354-2000 or visit their website at You can also visit their office at 601 E Kelly St, Pharr, Texas 78577. The administration is available to answer any questions you may have about the meeting agenda, minutes, or any other related matter.

Access to Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes are an important resource for staying up-to-date with the PSJA ISD School Board Meeting. You can access the meeting minutes on the PSJA ISD website under the “Meeting Agendas & Minutes” section. Here you will find the most recent meeting minutes as well as previous meeting minutes. The meeting minutes provide a summary of the discussions and decisions made during the meeting, as well as any action items that were assigned.

It is important to stay informed about the PSJA ISD School Board Meeting and to participate in the public comment period if you have any concerns or feedback. By utilizing the resources provided by the administration, you can stay informed about the meeting agenda and access the meeting minutes to stay up-to-date with the decisions made during the meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access the minutes from the latest PSJA ISD school board meeting?

You can access the minutes from the latest PSJA ISD school board meeting by visiting the Board Meeting Presentations page on the PSJA ISD website. The minutes are typically posted within a few days after the meeting.

What is the schedule for upcoming PSJA ISD school board meetings?

The schedule for upcoming PSJA ISD school board meetings is available on the PSJA ISD School Board page on the district’s website. The meetings are typically held on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 PM.

How can members of the public participate in PSJA ISD school board meetings?

Members of the public can participate in PSJA ISD school board meetings by attending the meetings in person or by submitting written comments to the board. The board typically allows time for public comments during each meeting. To submit written comments, you can email them to the board secretary at

What topics are typically discussed during PSJA ISD school board meetings?

The topics discussed during PSJA ISD school board meetings can vary, but typically include updates on district programs and initiatives, budget and financial matters, personnel actions, and policy changes. The board may also hear presentations from district staff and outside organizations.

Where can I find the PSJA ISD board policy that was recently amended?

You can find the PSJA ISD board policy that was recently amended by visiting the Board Policies page on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) website. PSJA ISD’s policies are listed under Region 1.

How does PSJA ISD ensure transparency in its school board decision-making process?

PSJA ISD ensures transparency in its school board decision-making process by providing public notice of board meetings, allowing time for public comments, and making meeting agendas and minutes available to the public on the district’s website. The district also follows all applicable state and federal laws related to open meetings and public records.

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